Each book in this series supports inclusion and provides great thoughts and resources to help adults work with all children to ensure they are offered the same chances and experiences as others.
The five books include:
- Supporting ADHD – It’s not all about behaviour
- A toolkit of resources to support children who happen to have ADHD
- Creating Sensory Play at little or no cost
- Learn about sensory integration and how to use sensory play to stimulate or calm children
- It’s not all about talking, Let’s Communicate
- Designed to help you to identify the best ways to communicate effectively
- Let’s make more smiles – Encouraging Positive Behaviour
- Simple tools, activities and suggestions that will make a difference to how you respond to behaviour, and how children and young people respond to you
- Hey, children on the autism spectrum play too!
- This book considers how we can include children on the autism spectrum into our settings and challenges you to take a look at play from the child?s perspective.
All books written by Wendy Usher
Wendy Usher is the founder of The Play Doctors and uses over 30 years experience both as a parent and professional to write practical, hands on, award winning books to provide ideas and suggestions to support children and young people who happen to have additional needs. She says: ‘I don’t want to give people theory, I want to respond to real life and take a look at what works well and why. What does not work so well and why, and what can I do about it. All of the books I write are based on real life and I use combination of anecdotes and stories to bring the learning to life’
‘I love Wendy’s books – they are so real and relevant to life at home and also life in the classroom. I use the ideas all the time and have shared my copies with other parents’ Cathy – Newcastle (parent of son on the autism spectrum and teacher).
‘I am a primary school teacher and had little experience of working with autism. Hey, children on the autism spectrum play too! really helped me understand and change the way I worked. I now think about how I am responding to the child and adapt the way I present work to respond to his learning style. I have a far more peaceful classroom.’ Jenny – teacher, Milton Keynes